It is easy to use thanks to the high level of compatibility with AutoCAD, and it is easy to get as you pay far less money to obtain economic licensing solutions.
ICADMac is user friendly 2D/3D CAD software for MAC OS X, which reads and writes DWG format drawing files up to AutoCAD v. Dwg for mac free download - Microspot DWG Viewer, WinZip Mac, Avast Free Mac Security, and many more programs. With Microspot DWG Viewer, viewing, annotating, saving and printing your DWG files has never been easier, faster or more affordable. Mac users interested in Autocad dwg viewer for mac os x generally download: TurboCAD Mac Pro 12.0. On this list you can find the most relevant tools that can replace all functions and feateres of DWG TrueView for Mac.
Since you can't use it on Mac, as there is no version of DWG TrueView for Mac, you need to look for an alternative. DWG TrueView by Autodesk is a popular program that will allow you to view, edit, and share DWG files.